Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Answering Lori's comments

Quoting Lori ...

... Is the closing day very far away? Never having built a house...I have no concept of how long it takes.

The losing date is unknown right now. All we can hope for is sooner rather than later. The current 'guess-timate' from the builder is mid July.

A couple other comments about the pictures. All the railing, door frames baseboard and whatnot will be a dark walnut stain colour when their finished to match the walnut flooring, which unfortunately won't happen until after the kitchen is installed. It's the kitchen that is throwing the schedule out. We haven't got confirmation on the delivery date of the kitchen and once that's received, it's probably another 3-4 weeks until it's delivered and installed. The builder mentioned that it's generally another 6 weeks following kitchen delivery/install until possession.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answers! The anticipation of moving into your new placing must be killing you but I guess this falls into that category of "all good things come to those who wait"?!
